
beyond front@: bridging periphery

Beyond Fronta: Bridging Periphery is a Creative Europe project (2023-2026) created by Közép-Európa Táncszínház (Central Europe Dance Theatre, Hungary), Bunker (Slovenia), Hrvatski institut za pokret i ples (HIPP – Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance, Croatia), Krakowski Teatr Tańca (Krakow Dance Theatre, Poland), M STUDIO (Romania) and Vitlycke – Centre for Performing Arts (Sweden) to foster local development of the contemporary dance fields.

Beyond Front (2023-2026) is a cooperation project co-funded by the Creative Europe Culture Programme. The project’s mission is to strengthen the contemporary dance scene in the Central European region by connecting and supporting dance actors – artists, managers, festivals and institutions.

Built on the previous project outcomes and practices, the new edition of Beyond Fronta focuses on the peripheral situation of the dance actors in the Central European countries, covering a wider range of partners. The three-year project brings together 6 partner countries (Sweden, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary). All partners committed to fostering local development of contemporary dance production and all devoted to overcoming obstacles in their specific contexts by increasing mutual cooperation.

Click on the logos below to read more about the partner organizations.

Image by Milán Kovác.

The project will focus on developing collaborative strategies, capacity building and sustainable cultural production in the region. Its priorities are supporting training, greater synergies, and the enhancement of regional visibility. This will be done through number of activities: dance labs, summer academies, critic’s residency, dance school presentations, touring of performances and common creation performance.

Check project’s open call opportunities here: OPEN CALLS

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Beyond Front@ is funded by the European Union and co-funded by Swedish Art Council and Västra Götalandsregionen.

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