Director: Francesco Bertolini, Adolfo Padovan.
Duration: 71ʼ
A silent movie, recently restored, with surround soundtrack composed by Edison Studio.
“Inferno” might be considered the first true feature-film in the history of Italian cinema. It was an unprecedented colossal based on Danteʼs Divine Comedy and the famous 19th century engravings by Gustav Dorè. Hordes of bat-like demons wielding sharp pitchforks, legions of white souls floating in the sky, a gigantic fire-eating Lucifer who devours diaphanous and transparent cadavers. Adolfo Padovan and Francesco Bertolini certainly spared no expense for their special effects.
It took them 3 years of filming, 150 actors and extras, 100 sets and an advertising campaign that lasted for over a year.
Edison Studio have now produced a “perfect” soundtrack for the most visionary of all Italian silent movies.