10.03 - 30.03
This residency is for a further development of a new artistic project. The work is under production and has not yet received a title.
Premiere is planned for June 2025 at Festspillene in Northern Norway, also in 2025 at Riddu Riđđu festival Norway, at Bonavista Biennal Canada and at Suialaa Arts Festival Greenland.
Scooter mats, Reindeer stomachs and traditional Sámi shoe grass in dialogue with living bodies. Máret Ánne Sara´s long term artistic research and visual art productions are intertwined, challenged and interpreted by bodies and performing arts. The work explores the physical materials in relation to their inherent potential, cultural use and metaphysical dimensions in context of current Sámi societal and political landscape. The work is co-created with Anitta Katriina Suikkari, Anja Saiva Bongo Bjørnstad, Ina Dokmo and Alexandra Wingate.
Read more about the project here https://maretannesara.com/
Máret Ánne Sara is an artist and writer from Guovdageaidnu. Sara explores materials in a Sámi context and use, both in a material and immaterial context, and she is dedicated to the Sami subjectivity in both art and society. Sara has a number of international exhibitions behind her, including “Documenta 14” in 2017 and the Venice Biennale in 2022. Sara was nominated for the Nordic Council’s children’s and young people’s literature prize in 2014 and has been purchased by, among others, the National Museum.
Anitta Katriina Suikkari is a free-lance stage artist with extensive experience in theatre, film and TV over 45 years. She lives in Kautokeino and has worked with Sámi performing arts for 30 years.
Anja Saiva Bongo Bjørnstad from Kautokeino is a free-lance actor educated at the Statens Teaterhøgskole 2009-2013. She has worked with film and television, been in 8 productions at Beaivváš Sámi Našunála teáhter.
Alexandra Wingate is a Swedish choreographer, producer, and process facilitator based in Tanums kommun. Improvisation and score building are the main techniques for developing and performing her work as well as a strong focus on co-authorship with the performers. She has collaborated with Elle Sofe Sara, Ina Dokmo, Lena Kimming, Liv Schellander, Josefina Björk and Ställbergs gruva.
Ina Dokmo is a performer, dancer, choreographer, shiatsu therapist and teacher from Gotland. She shares and dives into practices often exploring a non-objectification of materia. Through that she is interested in already outlined mapping systems of the body. Being inspired by those mappings but also altering them whilst dancing or treating she is interested in favouring perceptions of a living, performative, material body over an outlined map but also interested in what new directions a map can offer.