
paradigm - dinis machado

Music and sound by: Hanna Kangassalo(SE/FI), Robert Tenevall(SE) and Erik Sjölin(SE) Rehearsal assistance by: Gonçalo Ferreira (PT) Produced by: Corp. and Ballet Contemporâneo do Norte Administration by: Interim Kultur (SE) Co-production: Rivoli Teatro Municipal (Porto / PT), WELD (Stockholm / SE) and Ballet Contemporâneo do Norte (Porto / PT), Dance4 (Nottingham / UK) With the support of: Konstnärsnamnden, Swedish Arts Council, DGArtes / Secretaria de Estado da Cultura Residencies at: WELD (Stockholm/SE), MARC (Kivik/SE), Campo Alegre Teatro Municipal (Porto/PT), Alkantara (Lisboa/PT), Citemor (Montemor/PT), Göteborg Dans & Teater Festival / Vitlycke – Centre for Performing Arts (Tanumshede/SE), Devir/Capa (Faro/PT), Dance4/Lace Market Gallery (Nottingham/UK)

17.08 - 29.08

Residency supported by Göteborgs Dans & Teater Festival, in collaboration with Vitlycke Centre For Performing Arts.

“Folklore is the body of tales, music, dance, and so forth, common to a particular population.” [New World Enciclopedia]
In Paradigm, I create a DIY Folklore for bodies with blurred identities, inventing alternative fictional artefacts, narratives, dances, rituals and music.
In Paradigm, I depart from my nomadic and erratic trajectory and its associated blurred and precarious status of citizenship. I approach it not through an autobiographical take but through an aesthetic grammar of contamination and inclusion, investing in form more than in narrative in search of a non-narrative figurativity.
Here European minimalism is forced together with Brazilian Tropicalism. Conceptual takes are in symbiosis with somatic experiments. Ritualistic practices are invested into the more banal artefacts of relative western rationalist contemporaneity.

About Dinis Machado:
“It is as if [Machado], with his whole body, is trying to create another room, independently of the actual room we find ourselves in, here and now. A room just as imaginary as it is tangible.” Thomas Olsson/

Dinis Machado is an associated artist of Ballet Contemporâneo do Norte. Ballet Contemporâneo do Norte is financed by DGArtes / Secretaria de Estado da Cultura.
Dinis was born in Porto in 1987 and based in Stockholm since 2012. With an education in Dance and Visual Arts, his work usually develops from the intersection of these two areas. The concrete gesture of plastic construction is reclaimed and worked as choreographic material. Dinis has graduated in May 2014 with an MA in Choreography at DOCH (Stockholm) directed by Jefta Van Dinther and Frederic Gies. He later finishished the Independent Studies Program in Visual Arts at Maumaus – Visual Arts School (Lisbon) directed by Jürgen Boch. He has a BA in Theatre by the Superior School of Theatre and Cinema (Lisbon), and has the 7th degree in Classical Ballet and Contemporary dance by Balleteatro (Porto). Machado worked as a choreographer since 2008. In 2013 he received the life Long Burning (Jardin D’Europe) Swedish co-production by Cullberg Ballet for his project ”Black Cats Can See In The Dark But Are Not Seen”, which has been nominated for the Pris Jardin D’Europe at ImPulsTanz 2014.

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